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#SWTCDC - FOR RENT - 542 Berry St. #JacksonTN

Southwest TN CDC has a house for rent at 542 Berry St. Jackson TN.
Rent is for low to moderate income households.  Example:  A 2 person
household will need to have a yearly income of $12,800.00-$34,200.00.
Rent amount is based on the number of household members and gross
income amount.  The house is 1 bath, 2 BR with Central H/A. No pets
allowed.  Renter must pay their own utilities and general fees for
maintenance.  Security Deposit equal to monthly rent.
Applications can be picked up in Madison County at Southwest Community
Service Center 1124 Whitehall St.  Suite 201A Jackson TN.
Contact Southwest CDC at 1-800-497-1286
Published:  August 23 and 30, 2018

Building For Rent- 224 Hale St. #JacksonTN

#PlatinumTouch #Back2School #Blowout