Former Jasper Elementary PTO President Indicted for Theft
Justin P. Wilson, Comptroller
February 13, 2019
Former Jasper Elementary PTO President Indicted for Theft
An investigation by the Tennessee Comptroller’s Office has resulted in the indictment of Amber Bailey, the former president of the Jasper Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).
The investigation began after school system officials reported questionable transactions in the PTO bank account.
Investigators determined that Bailey stole at least $5,590 from May 2017 through February 2018. Bailey made purchases, wrote and cashed PTO checks for her personal benefit, and failed to deposit money collected during fundraisers.
She concealed her misappropriation by failing to turn over, or make available, PTO bank statements and other crucial financial information. This information should have been reviewed by other PTO officers.
In February 2019, Amber Bailey was indicted by the Marion County Grand Jury on one count of theft over $2,500.
“PTO’s are required by state law to establish procedures for accounting, controlling, and safeguarding funds,” said Comptroller Justin P. Wilson. “In this situation, the former president had too much individual control over financial matters, and even had a second person sign PTO checks when they were blank.”
To view the investigation, go to:
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