July 19, 2023
The TBI Public Information Office invites you to bring your cameras and questions to our TBI Media Day event on Wednesday, July 19, at the Special Agent De'Greaun Reshun Frazier TBI Crime Lab and Regional Headquarters in Jackson.
It will be a great opportunity to learn more about TBI and our Public Information Office. You will also hear about the ongoing efforts by our Forensic Services Division, specifically in testing Sexual Assault Kits, trends in drug submissions, and the latest on hiring and training additional special agent forensic scientists and staff.
All speakers are subject-matter experts on these topics and will answer questions specific to those topics at the end of each presentation.
A guided tour of the Crime Lab will also be offered to participants in which video and photo opportunities will be available for special agent forensic scientists working in Firearms and Toolmarking, Forensic Biology, Forensic Chemistry, and Toxicology.
All credentialed and working media are invited to attend.
The Media Day event is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at 350 Smith Lane, Jackson. RSVP to TBI.Media@tn.gov by Monday, July 17th. Feel free to contact us with any questions or requests in advance.
TBI Public Information Office