Dr. Deborah Rogers, our Director of Lane Institute, will participate in the TICUA (Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association) Executive Leadership Institute (ELI)
During the 2018 –19 academic year, Dr. Deborah Rogers, our Director of Lane Institute, will participate in the TICUA (Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association) Executive Leadership Institute (ELI). Rogers was selected by Lane College President Dr. Logan Hampton to represent the College as one of 20 top campus leaders from colleges and universities across the state. ELI is an innovative leadership program for senior campus leaders who seek to strengthen their ability to execute their current roles within the institution and who may be considering a college or university presidency in the future.
“I am excited about the opportunity to learn and grow in hopes to increase my capacity to serve Lane and our excellent students,” Rogers said.
The nine-month program begins this month and includes content sessions on board governance, leadership frameworks, public policy, and engaging political leaders. Fellows will explore leading theories, team building, student success, institutional finance, public relations, academic affairs and other key campus topics and practice strategic planning. During the fellowship Rogers will visit ten TICUA campuses and sit under the mentorship of over 20 college presidents and scholars.
Lane College would like to congratulate Dr. Deborah Rogers and wish her luck as she participates in this program.
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