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Freed-Hardeman University Theatre Student Makes Historic Directorial Debut with Homecoming Musical "The Burnt Part Boys"

Freed-Hardeman University Theatre Student Makes Historic Directorial Debut with Homecoming Musical "The Burnt Part Boys"


The acting bug bit Freed-Hardeman University senior Jessica Hixson when she was just a 6-year-old playing a skunk in Robin Hood.

"I said, 'This is fun and I love it!'" Hixson, a theatre and music major, said. Her love for the arts and the theatre grabbed her and never let go. Through the years her enthusiasm for the arts led to her participation in 30 productions, five of them while at FHU.

Hixson will make history as the first student in more than two decades to direct this year's Homecoming Musical, "The Burnt Part Boys," which opens Nov. 4, 2021, at 7 p.m. in Loyd Auditorium. FHU theatre and FHU Associates are partnering to offer dinner and a show beginning with a meal at 5 p.m. in Brown-Kopel, advance purchase is required. Tickets are $15 and are available at fhutickets.com.

FHU director of theatre Cliff Thompson selected Hixson to direct this year.

"The Homecoming Musical has always been directed by a faculty member, but I had the confidence in Jessica's skills in music and theatre and I trust her," Thompson said. "The Homecoming production is the most high profile thing we do during our season."

Hixson selected "The Burnt Part Boys" as this year's Homecoming Musical. She initially saw the musical in Nashville in 2018 and it left a big impression on her.

"The music filled the whole space and it was so emotional and moving," Hixson said. "I want to recreate that experience. This production has a live band and that really stood out to me when I saw the musical."

Thompson describes the music in the show as "upbeat with bluegrass roots."

"It will tug at your heartstrings and make audiences appreciate their families even more," he said.

During the weeks of casting and rehearsals, Hixson has been focused on her cast and has relied on her stage manager, musical director and band director to make sure the show reflects the emotional impact of the story.

"The Burnt Part Boys" is set in a 1960s West Virginia mining town and brings together the fathers who died in a mining accident a decade earlier and their children who never knew them.

"The story centers a lot on family," Hixson explained. "There are some light-hearted parts, but there are parts that are really moving and emotional as well. We want the story to be moving for the audience."

Helping Hixson create the vision for the play are Haven Sanders, stage manager; Jesse Eaton, band director and Sarah Wilford, musical director.

"There are a lot of moving parts, so having them helps me be able to run all of the staging and then we can integrate it all together," Hixson said.

Not only is this production making history with its first student director, but it will also feature a five-piece band with a guitar, piano, drums and keyboard. The live music will be on stage and the musicians will be dressed like miners.

The production has gone through great lengths to inspire the cast and to be historically accurate with the miners' costumes. FHU Bible professor Matt Cook arranged for his father, Randy Cook, who is from West Virginia, to share what life was like in a mining community.

"Our costume designer, Jack Joiner, was inspired by past productions and real photos to design the miners' headlamps and power cord that ran to the battery pack at the hip," Hixson said. "Props master Nate Cass has done some really good work and our set designer Brandon Graves has as well."

Over the past several weeks of rehearsals, Hixson has learned more about herself as a leader and how to work with her cast.

"Patience is key," she said. "You have to understand where someone is coming from, look at things from all sides. They're not just your actor, they're a person."

"The Burnt Part Boys" features a cast of mostly freshmen with previous experience in theatre. And with just a little more than a week until opening night, Hixson is looking forward to the performance and for audiences to experience it.

"My grandfather is a music teacher and he's coming to watch the performance," Hixson. "He's so supportive and always wants to see what I'm working on."

Hixson will graduate in December and plans to teach music and help with theatre and chorus in middle Tennessee.

"I will get to stay within the arts and I'm really happy about that," she said.

The Cast

PETE: RJ Barboza

DUSTY: Trenton Sweeney

FRANCES: Haley Hixson

JAKE: JT Watford

CHET: Blake Westmoreland

DAD/FANTASY MEN: Charlie Stone

BOGGS: Dillan Todd

TAYLOR: Matt Cook

TINNS: Nate Cass

ENSEMBLE: Jack Joiner, David Fonville, Austin Applegate


Piano- Jesse Eaton

Percussion- Samuel Hayes

Fiddle- KB Doyle

Guitar- Adam Harris

The mission of Freed-Hardeman University is to help students develop their God-given talents for His glory by empowering them with an education that integrates Christian faith, scholarship and service. With locations in Henderson, Memphis and Dickson, FHU offers bachelor’s, master’s, specialist and doctoral degrees. Additional information about the university may be found at http://www.fhu.edu.



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