Shalique Farr-March Receives Margaret Faulkner Scholarship
The Jackson Area Business and Professional Women is pleased to announce that the Margaret Faulkner Scholarship for 2016 has been awarded to Shalique Farr-March. Farr-March, a nursing student from the University of Memphis-Lambuth, in Jackson, Tennessee, received the award at the October business meeting of Jackson Area Business and Professional Women.
"Nursing is my passion and my calling," said Farr-March. She holds a B.S. from Middle Tennessee State University with a major in chemistry. She decided to change her career field to nursing after helping care for her father in ICU after he was critically injured in a tragic accident that ultimately ended his life.
Karen Carver, Associate Clinical Coordinator, recommended her student for the scholarship. "Her commitment and diligence is evident in her coursework, clinical settings and her community service. She is conscientious, dependable and capable of managing projects without the need for structure or supervision. She demonstrates exceptional critical thinking and analytical skills for problem-solving and creativity."
Shalique Farr-March began her collegiate studies at community college and then progressed to MTSU. "My ultimate career goal is to become a Family Nurse Practitioner and to care for patients across their lifespan," said Farr-March.