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JTA's Annual Food Drive

The Jackson Transit Authority (JTA) will hold its 27th Annual Food Drive to benefit the Regional Inter-Faith Association (RIFA) Food Bank on Wednesday and Thursday, November 9th and 10th, on all JTA services.  The drive helps people in Jackson and West Tennessee have a bountiful holiday season this year.

All JTA riders will have the chance to donate a canned food and receive a free ride for the donation when boarding.  JTA riders "can" do this as often as they would like during these two days.

No policy changes will be made for these days except the exchange of canned foods for fares. Regular and discount fares are accepted, if applicable, and transfers are free.

Donations will also be recieved at JTA office, 38 Eutah Street, Jackson.  

For more information about this or any matter please call JTA at 423-0200, 8am-5pm weekdays.

Food Donations for the Fayette Cares food pantry

Food Donations for the Fayette Cares food pantry

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