New Science-Based Program Designed to Improve Equine Well-Being
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – Tennessee is home to more than 110,000 horses, donkeys, burros, mules and ponies combined, and because each of these equines requires responsible ownership, proper nutrition, health care, management and environmental stewardship, University of Tennessee Extension and the UT Animal Science Department are excited to announce the launch of a new educational program for equine owners.
The Tennessee Master Horse Program (TMHP) is designed to provide a foundation of science-based information applicable to all horse owners and those interested in equine well-being. Using a combination of classroom discussion and hands-on teaching, the program will cover a variety of equine-related topics to equip attendees with the knowledge needed to implement best management practices and improve equine care.
Jennie Ivey, UT Extension Equine Specialist and program manager, says in addition to responsible ownership, proper nutrition, health care, management and environmental stewardship, the TMHP also provides attendees with information on animal behavior, fundamental training, and equine law and liability. Youth development programs will also be discussed.
“The driving force behind the TMHP is to raise the level of education and improve overall success of horse owners and producers within the state,” said Ivey. “Additionally, by positively impacting management practices and providing the opportunity for intellectual growth, equine producers and business owners can continue to expand this vital portion of Tennessee agriculture.” Ivey says the science-based program will provide families, youth, and communities the knowledge to generate or continue to build successful equine industry for years to come.
The Tennessee Master Horse Program will be delivered within each region of Tennessee during 2016, and will continue in successive years. Each attendee will receive a minimum of 16 hours of training, a TMHP manual written by experts at UT, MTSU and additional universities, along with other incentives upon completion of the program.
Registration is now open for public programs to be held throughout Tennessee in October of 2016. Dates and locations are listed below. If you are interested attending, please visit the website to register, contact your local County Extension Office or Dr. Jennie Ivey at
TMHP Public Program Dates and Locations
Registrants must attend all sessions listed for each region in order to complete the program.
Eastern Region TMHP: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
October 10, 12, 17, 19, 24 and 26, 4-8 p.m. EDT, Brehm Animal Science Building Room 265
Central Region TMHP: Bedford County Extension Office, Shelbyville, TN
October 20 and 21, 4-8 p.m. CDT, and October 22 from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. All sessions are in the Auditorium.
Western Region TMHP: Gibson County Extension Office, Trenton, TN
October 27 and 28, 4-8 p.m. CST, and October 29 from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. All sessions are in the Auditorium.
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