Dyersburg State Honors 55th and 56th Nursing Classes with Pinning Ceremony
Dyersburg State Honors 55th and 56th Nursing Classes with Pinning Ceremony
Dyersburg, Tennessee – Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) honored its 55th and 56th nursing classes with a ceremony for 21 graduates in the traditional nursing program and 26 graduates in the LPN to RN fast track nursing program Saturday, May 6. The ceremony took place inside the E.H. Lannom, Jr. Gymnasium on the Dyersburg campus. A total of 1,593 nursing students have graduated from DSCC over the past 36 years.
The ceremony began with nursing graduate Jennifer Puente of Jackson leading the invocation. Amy Johnson, dean of nursing, opened the ceremony with an introduction of nursing staff and faculty. DSCC President Karen Bowyer acknowledged the graduates and congratulated them on their accomplishments.
“Today is a very special day,” stated Dean Johnson. “I commend you on your persistence and hard work. You have the ability to do great things and to make this world a better place just because of your presence.”
The ceremony proceeded with the recognition of 28 first-year nursing students by nursing instructor Christie Hamm.
Nursing instructor Kim Dew introduced class officers for the traditional nursing class. Officers included president Ashley Barnes of Henning, vice president Ashlee Eakes of Troy, secretary Raven Warren of Dyersburg, treasurer Hannah Moore of Yorkville and historian Jordan Page of Kenton. Class officers for the LPN to RN fast track nursing class included president Catherine Caldwell-McNeill of Jackson, vice president Jennifer Puente of Jackson, secretary Kimberly Trailor of Bolivar and historians Lottie Ing of Dyersburg and Dikee’Dra Gwynn-Wilson of Ripley.
Student Nursing Association (SNA) officers were introduced by nursing instructor Trenna Richardson and included president Jennifer Puente, vice president Kimberly Trailor and secretary Candace Paris of Covington.
Ashley Barnes, traditional nursing class president, addressed her classmates by stating, “Today be encouraged that your sacrifices are appreciated. Today you are not just another nursing graduate – you are an example.”
LPN to RN fast track nursing class president Catherine Caldwell-McNeill addressed her fellow classmates and shared how close they had become over the last two years. “I feel incredibly honored and proud to speak on behalf of this amazing class,” stated Caldwell-McNeill. “Looking back at our journey and where we stand now, it is clear that we as a class have learned to take care of our patients by first learning to take care of one another.”
Dr. Bowyer presented the Friend of Nursing Award, chosen by the traditional nursing students, to Deborah McDowell, former DSCC security guard. She then presented the award, chosen by the LPN to RN fast track nursing students, to Brenda Springfield, DSCC custodian.
Nursing instructor Kimberly Dew awarded the Scholastic Award, presented to the student with the highest grade-point average (GPA), to traditional nursing class graduate Jordan Page, who graduated with a 3.38 GPA. The award was also presented to LPN to RN fast track nursing class graduate Darla Woods of Hornbeak, who graduated with a 3.43 GPA.
The Peggy Pendergrast Faculty Award, presented by nursing instructor Christy Hamilton, was awarded to traditional nursing class graduate Raven Warren and LPN to RN fast track nursing class graduate Jennifer Puente. This special award, given in honor of Peggy Pendergrast, the founding director of the DSCC nursing program, is presented to a student demonstrating the qualities that are essential for effective nursing practices.
Nursing instructor Tammy Hines presented the Clinical Practice Award, selected by members of the nursing faculty, to traditional nursing class graduate Hollie Goff of Dyersburg and LPN to RN fast track nursing graduate Alana Cathey of Jackson. This award is given to nursing graduates who demonstrate qualities such as the practice of nursing as a humanistic art and science, the recognition of each person as a unique individual and acceptance of legal and ethical professional accountability.
Traditional nursing class graduate Raven Warren presented the Friendship Award, chosen by class members, to fellow classmate Ashley Barnes. LPN to RN fast track nursing class graduate Katie Coughlin-Hopkins of Jackson presented the Friendship Award to fellow classmate Candace Paris.
Amy Johnson, DSCC dean of nursing, presented class pins to the graduates. Following tradition, each nursing graduate received a ceramic replica of the lamp carried by Florence Nightingale, a pioneer in the nursing profession. Nursing graduates lit the lamps and recited the Nightingale Pledge.
The 21 graduates of DSCC’s May 2017 traditional nursing class included:
Alamo - Anna Rogers
Brighton - Bridget Cockrell
Burlison - Kaitlyn Ashburn
Dyer - Felicia Landrum and Kendall Lawler
Dyersburg - Bushra Atta-Ur-Rehman, Andrew Davis, Hollie Goff, Diamond Jones, Raven Warren and McCray Woods
Halls - Elizabeth Gunter
Henning - Ashley Barnes
Kenton - Jordan Page
Milan - Dustin Bragg
Munford - Cody Newell
Newbern - Casey Dean
Ripley - Elizabeth Troegel
Trimble - Whitney Thompson
Troy - Ashley Eakes
Yorkville - Hannah Moore
The 26 graduates of DSCC’s May 2016 LPN to RN fast track nursing class included:
Alamo - Allison Jowers and Shannon Ingram
Bolivar - Kimberly Trailor
Brownsville - Monette Adam, Brooke Arbuckle-Gunnels and Sharnice Woods
Chapel Hill - Kyle Griffy
Cordova - Taquila Hayes
Covington - Candace Paris
Dyersburg - Lottie Ing
Gadsden - Danielle Macon
Halls - Brook Hixson and Britney Jackson
Hornbeak - Darla Woods
Jackson - Alana Cathey, Katie Coughlin-Hopkins, Karen McKinnie, Catherine Caldwell-McNeill, Marietta Pearson and Jennifer Puente
Kennett - Jasmyne Denham and Christi Roberts
Martin - Aleisha Judge
Millington - Tiffany Lackey
Munford - Kiersten Thompson
Ripley – Dikee’Dra Gwynn-Wilson
Photo captions:
Traditional nursing class president Ashley Barnes of Henning addressed her fellow classmates during DSCC’s nursing pinning May 6.
LPN to RN fast track nursing class president Catherine Caldwell-McNeill of Jackson addressed her fellow classmates during DSCC’s nursing pinning May 6.
DSCC nursing instructor Kimberly Dew (left) presented the Scholastic Award to nursing graduate Darla Woods (right) of Hornbeak for achieving a 3.43 GPA in the LPN to RN fast track nursing program.
DSCC nursing instructor Kimberly Dew (right) presented the Scholastic Award to nursing graduate Jordan Page (left) of Kenton for achieving a 3.38 GPA in the traditional nursing program.
DSCC nursing instructor Christy Hamilton (left) presented the Peggy Pendergrast Faculty Award to nursing graduate Jennifer Puente (right) of Jackson.
ursing graduate Alana Cathey (right) of Jackson was presented the Clinical Practice Award by nursing instructor Tammy Hines (left) during DSCC’s nursing pinning ceremony May 6.
Nursing graduate Hollie Goff (left) of Dyersburg was presented the Clinical Practice Award by nursing instructor Tammy Hines (right) during DSCC’s nursing pinning ceremony May 6.
Nursing graduate Raven Warren (right) of Dyersburg presented the Friendship Award to fellow classmate Ashley Barnes (left) of Henning during DSCC’s nursing pinning ceremony May 6.