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Aesthetic Business Institute Board Member Produces Podcasts for Apple TV

Aesthetic Business Institute Board Member Produces Podcasts for Apple TV


"It's a Young Thing with Nurse Paula Young," an original series of audio and video podcasts by Paula Di Marco Young, BS, RN, Director of Marketing and Public Relations at Young Medical Spa®, has been chosen as the official podcast for the Plastic Surgery Network.

BRANFORD, Conn., Jan. 22, 2018 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- The original audio and video podcasts of Paula Di Marco Young, BS, RN, Director of Marketing and Public Relations at Young Medical Spa®️ and a member of the Aesthetic Business Institute (ABI) Medical Advisory Board, have been picked up by the Plastic Surgery Network (PSN).

"It's a Young Thing with Nurse Paula Young," is now the official podcast for the PSN. In addition, several of her initial episodes are now available and promoted through the Apple TV app, with more podcasts to be uploaded regularly. There are also plans for Young Medical Spa to have their own content channel on the network.

"I'm honored to be the official podcaster for the Plastic Surgery Network! Over the last decade I have heard so many misconceptions and questions about the cosmetic and aesthetic procedures we perform in our practice that it just compelled me to do something to help these people make the best decision for their aesthetic needs," said Young. "I started my podcast covering the frequently asked questions patients have about various procedures and treatments and it just exploded from there to incorporate more professionals in other areas that can guide people to being their best self."

Young was also a guest on the podcast of Tom LaVecchia, founder of X Factor Media and New Theory Magazine and Podcast. During this podcast, Young and LaVecchia discussed the Plastic Surgery Network and the lexicon between technology and beauty.

As a member of the ABI Medical Advisory Board, Young serves with other prominent aesthetic medicine clinicians as a renowned expert in the business of aesthetic medicine.

The Plastic Surgery Network is the first and only Plastic Surgery app available on Apple TV.

About Aesthetic Business Institute

The Aesthetic Business Institute formed in the spring of 2017 and will officially launch in the late fall of 2017 with an educational platform designed to provide "industry intelligence to the aesthetic medical industry." Membership in ABI will provide online education, published research, master classes, trends reports, and events for physicians, practice managers, practice owners, providers, and aesthetic industry executive. For more information on Aesthetic Business Institute, please visit aestheticbusinessinstitute.org.



SOURCE Aesthetic Business Institute


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