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#ObionCoTN News

#ObionCoTN News

Obion County Completes TN ThreeStar Program

Competing for jobs and attracting industry in today's economic climate is a challenge. Successful economic developers know that at the heart of a competitive economic development strategy is community development. The ThreeStar program is geared to assist your community development efforts and ensure you compete at a higher level through enhancing and improving community assets.

New Façade Improvement Grants Awarded

Governor Haslam and TNECD Commissioner Bob Rolfe recently approved $550,000 in Façade Improvement Grants for six Tennessee communities. The grants, funded through federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, are used for improvements to commercial districts in Tennessee Main Street and Tennessee downtown districts. Check out the six new recipients here

Top Teens of America's Santa Breakfast

Ribbon Cutting - #ObionCoTN

Ribbon Cutting - #ObionCoTN