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Summer Camps Offered at Discovery Park of America!

Summer Camps Offered at Discovery Park of America!

Summer Camps Offered at Discovery Park of America!
UNION CITY, TN- If you are a parent or a grandparent, and you are concerned about school getting out and too
much video time for your children or grandchildren this year, you might want to sign them up for a Summer Camp at
Discovery Park of America! This is the park’s first year offering Summer Camps, and Education Director, Polly Brasher, is
very enthusiastic about the camps.
“We tried to plan around other summer time activities that are already available,” Brasher said. “We didn’t do our
camps on top of UTM’s summer program because we want the children in this area to have multiple educational
opportunities throughout the summer months,” she added.
The Summer Camps at Discovery Park are all designed to expand your child’s understanding of the world, while being
a fun and entertaining way to spend time. “We hope that the children will make new friends, learn more about things that
they might already be interested in and keep exercising their brains while being challenged in a fun setting,” Brasher said.
Parents can sign their children up now for any of the following four camps by calling or coming by the park:
 MINECRAFT: This is a one day camp that will bring “Minecraft to life!” This camp is ideal for children ages eight
through 12 and will be held on Saturday, July 7 th from 10:30 until 3:30 p.m. The price is $35 for members and $40
for non-members and includes lunch and supplies.
 LEGO: This four day camp will be held Tuesday through Friday, July 10 th through the 13th, from 9:00 a.m. until
5:00 p.m. daily. Children ages six and up are ideal for the Lego Camp, where they will zip, rocket and climb
through one fun challenge at a time. The children will make their very own Lego zip line racer, put Legos in
motion with motors and also learn to create indestructible vehicles, create secret lairs and so much more! The
price is $180 for members and $200 for non-members and includes lunch and supplies for all four days.
 STORYTELLING: Riverboat John Ferguson will teach people of all ages how to use words in stories that will
make listeners want to smell, feel, taste and see all aspects of the story! Learn how to entertain your friends and
spin a good yarn at this unique camp that will meet 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. during the evenings of July 17 th
through July 20 th . The cost is $85 for members and $95 for non-members. The camp fee includes all supplies.
 DINOSAUR CAMP: This camp is geared especially for children ages six through nine years old who are
fascinated about dinosaurs and want to learn more. It will meet from 9:00 until 11:00 a.m. July 24 th through the
27 th . The cost is $85 for members and $95 for non-members and includes all supplies.
If you have questions or would like more information about any of the four Summer Camps, please call Discovery Park
of America at 731-885- 5455 and ask for the Education Department. Enrollment is limited, so everyone is encouraged to
sign up soon, while there is space available. The deadline to register is July 3 rd .
“This is a great way to get your children out of the house and engaged in learning something new during the summer,”
Brasher said. “We hope this goes over well and that we can continue to offer Summer Camps in the future,” she added.
Discovery Park is located at 830 Everett Blvd. in Union City, TN. You can see the 2018 Calendar of Events, including
upcoming educational and entertaining events, by visiting the website at www.discoveryparkofamerica.com . The park is
open Tuesdays through Sundays, Memorial Day, Labor Day and the 4 th of July, from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. and is a
unique blend of history, science, architecture, art and fun.

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