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First Tennessee Foundation celebrates 25 years of giving

First Tennessee Foundation celebrates 25 years of giving

$250,000 in grants to be awarded via video contest

Memphis, Tenn. – For the last quarter century, the First Tennessee Foundation has distributed
more than $80 million to nonprofits to help meet community needs.
And we believe it’s time to celebrate.
On June 30, the First Tennessee Foundation will mark its 25 th anniversary of supporting the
nonprofit organizations in the communities we serve. To celebrate this milestone, and introduce
our foundation as the Capital Bank Foundation in our Mid-Atlantic communities, we’re
launching a video contest and distributing $250,000 in grants to nonprofits in our communities in
Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.
The contest is open to eligible nonprofits that have received grants from our foundation in the
past, as well as to those that meet our funding guidelines and would like to apply for grants.
Submit a video – up to, but not exceeding 60 seconds – that demonstrates how we have partnered
or how we could partner with your organization to support our communities.
Videos produced using mobile devices are acceptable and preferred. Don’t worry about
professional production values; we just want to hear your story and see how we can help.
Submission deadline is Aug. 1, 2018. Finalists will be determined by public voting from Aug.
15-31. Winners will be selected by a panel of judges and announced in October. Grants will
range from $5,000 to $25,000, with a total distribution of $250,000 across our markets.
To learn more, visit 25yearsofgiving.com or www.firsttennesseefoundation.com/.
About the First Horizon Foundation
Founded in 1993, the First Horizon Foundation is the private charitable foundation of First
Horizon National Corp. (NYSE:FHN), the parent company of First Tennessee Bank National
Association (operating as Capital Bank and First Tennessee). Since its inception, our foundation
has donated more than $80 million to meet community needs. The foundation has been honored
for leadership in philanthropy and community involvement, and recognized by the American
Bankers Association for our outstanding work in the community. First Horizon Foundation doing
business as First Tennessee Foundation and Capital Bank Foundation.


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