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     2019 Theatre Awards  Winners

2019 Theatre Awards Winners

The Ned R. McWherter West TN Cultural Arts Center

Teen Division

Best Actress – Aiden Tuberville (Nancy) Oliver

Best Actor – Trey Brown (Fagin) Oliver

Best Supporting Actress – Ellyn Beebe (Sebastian) The Little Mermaid

Best Supporting Actor – Grayson Hart (The Artful Dodger) Oliver

Most Improved – Ben Hurbis & Brylee Pusser

Spotlight Award – Lee Ann Fincher & Paige Austin


Children Division

Best Actress – Brianna Smith (Beth) The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Best Actor – Jack Carroll (Oliver) Oliver

Best Supporting Actress – Grace Chenault (Gladys) The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Best Supporting Actor – Grady Allen (Leroy) The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Rising Young Stars – Samuel McCarver & Reilly Denaburg

Spotlight Award – Jovie Allen & Parker George


BEST PLAY OF THE YEAR – Disney’s The Little Mermaid

2019 Meals Served Update

2019 Meals Served Update

Heavy fog increasing accidents ..

Heavy fog increasing accidents ..