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In Memory of "Red" Porter

In Memory of "Red" Porter

My brother was a man of many thing, let me just give u a few:
* First Black man to run for Mayor - 3 times
* A brother to whomever is in need
* Storyteller to whomever would listen
* Philosopher - love of wisdom, had a love for knowledge of life past and present. Concept of the world and how it should be.
* Carer - cared about our race and the future of our kids
* Fighter - Fought for the equal treatment of the black citizens in Humboldt
* (my favorite) Unapologetic - keep trying even though he knew there was no hope. You either accepted him as he was or not, no apologies.
* Uninfluential - Didn't allow others to influence him, he was his own man!!!
* Underestimated - never letting other know what he was capable of. When Noone believed in him, he believed in himself that he could do anything
* Stubborn - unmoving in his ideas r thoughts, willing to take a chance when Noone else would, not caring what others thought.
* Outspoken - said what he felt and didn't care if others disagree
* Sincere - he didn't always say what he thought but he meant every word he said
* Confident - Trusted himself more than fearing the unknown. Can do attitude against all odds
*Fighter - always trying to stand up to what he believed, right or wrong.
* Fearless- wasn't afraid of anyone or thing or tackling any problem or the consequences

Being himself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else and receiving little to no appreciation was his greatest accomplishment. This was my brother, you can love him or hate him, he was his own man. Too bad he wasn't appreciated for the things he tried to do, he will be missed!!

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