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It’s a Crime to Be Unhealthy!

It’s a Crime to Be Unhealthy!

By Susan Holloway, M.S. Home Economics Child Development-Family Relations

Retired Teacher of JMCSS and Madison County Extension

Retirement is not boring when one finds various experiences as I do. This month, I am the Educator at

Donnell Century Farms fall tour days. Hundreds of students from schools over all West Tennessee visit the

farm at various seasons of the year. This is the Pumpkin Farm season. It is a requirement that each school

fieldtrip group have an educational lesson. Today, I want to share the wisdom I have recently gained and

teach even though I have been with farming my entire life. Some of the information below may be simple

because Pre-K and Kindergarten students often attend. Visualize hundreds of young children standing on a

pyramid of huge rectangular hay bales while they interact with me.

“Welcome to the F-A-R-M. What does that spell? Farm. What is a farm? A farm is where lots of work goes on

to feed the world. Sometimes we feed the feed. We grow hay, corn, or soybeans to feed the animals.

Sometimes farmers grow special produce like pumpkins. What foods are made from pumpkins? Pies, muffins,

breads, etc. Pumpkins are healthy foods and very pretty colors. Have you ever carved a pumpkin and found

white things in the gooey center? These are _________? Yes, seeds. Different seeds grow different kinds of

pumpkins – (show about 5 different shapes and sizes). Have you met the story hero ‘Spookley’ (Show stuffed

character and books available in Gift Shop). When you ride in the pumpkin carts to the corn maze, you will see

a Spookley story posted for teachers to put you in small groups and read. What is different about Spookley?

He is square. He is even a different shape. It is possible to see pumpkins in all colors – even blue and pink!

Just like people, pumpkins have their own personalities. Behind you is a pumpkin patch. You say pumpkins

come from seeds, well what do I do with this seed if I want to grow pumpkins? I push it into the ground, it rains,

sun shines, it sprouts a stem which pushes up through the dirt and makes many vines with flowers on them. I

just picked this bloom from the ones behind you. I was told by Andrew Donnell this is a boy bloom because it

was on the tops of the vines. The girl blooms are on the ground. The bee is the secret to visiting bloom to

bloom and sharing pollen so that pumpkins are grown. The bee spends the night in the bloom because the

bloom closes. When I just picked this bloom, it had a bee asleep inside even thought the bloom knew it was

morning and was opening. I was reminded on a TV show last week that much corn is grown for good food. Do

you know the ears of corn would not have any kernels on them if the pollen did not fall from the top tassel to

the formation of the ear. The wind is responsible for making good corn pollination. Teachers, it is time for all of

you to visit the inground trampoline, zip line, slide, corn maze, feed baby animals and eat good hamburgers

raised here. Have a GREAT time today on the Pumpkin Farm.”

We are being told that pumpkins, apples, and other produce are increasing as much as 30% in price due to

lack of labor which are heavy jobs. Maybe look for these healthy foods for our diets in forms other than fresh

and make sure we are not wasteful in consumption.

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