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Mid-West Tennessee Genealogical Society Meeting

 The Mid-West Tennessee Genealogical Society will meet Tuesday, August 9, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. in the Program Center of the Jackson-Madison County Library at 433 East Lafayette Street in Jackson. 


James Mayo will be presenting a program on the deep musical heritage and history of Jackson Tennessee and the people who made it possible. This will be a fun, educational presentation for all who attend.


Anyone interested in genealogy is invited to attend the meeting.  Annual membership dues are $20 and include quarterly issues of “Family Findings” with West Tennessee genealogical stories and research tips.  Questions should be sent to mwtgs1968@gmail.com.

Membership is NOT required for meeting attendance. 

The Jackson Arts Council Launches the Jackson Art Box

The Jackson Arts Council Launches the Jackson Art Box

Jackson Arts Council Awards JAC Grants and National Endowment for the Arts ARP Subgrants