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Old Timer’s Thoughts

Old Timer’s Thoughts

Columnist Robert Williams

This is an Election Year, but some of our friends and neighbors about West Tennessee apparently were not aware. I came to that conclusion, since in most of our West Tennessee Counties, only Twenty to Twenty-Five Percent voted. I am not talking about unregistered citizens. I am saying that about 80% of Tennessee Legally Registered Voters did not take time to Vote. I am disappointed more did not vote, but it seems to be the norm. If one watches the many Network News Outlets, one would think the World was in a major crisis and We all have register and vote before all is lost. Every form of Media has talked day and night about the Mid-Term Elections of 2022. I live in Jackson and few people I know, have not mentioned any concerns about the Mid-Terms or Tennessee Candidates. They all complain of the recent Increased Prices for Medications, Utilities, Fuel, Food and Less Money seems to be their ONLY concern.

Elections really do matter and elections can have significant consequences. Media often calls the lack of participation Voter Apathy. I have heard it said more than once and just last week a man told me, “I don’t vote because somebody in Nashville decides who is going to win”.

I was age 18 when I cast my First Vote. We had won a right to do several things after national protests over being drafted for war, yet we were not allowed privileges of 21 year old Citizens. I never missed voting since, nor will I as long as my health allows. I feel blessed to be able to vote for whoever I wish and for either party. Tennessee does not require Voters to declare a party status as some States. I value the Civil Right we Americans have of Free Speech and a Constitution that promises Citizens many more Rights. We can call our elected Officials a lot of names, BUT threats of harm are not allowed. The freedom to practice Political Discourse is a rare thing on Planet Earth, but we Americans can complain about Politicians at will, without fear of reprisal. That is a valuable right.

Many if not all Tennessee counties, had a Party Primary in the Spring and an August General Election. Early Voting was available for both elections. The low turnout of voters may have contributed to Upsets or Surprises in some counties. New-Comers unseated a few in West Tennessee. I am not aware of results in all area counties, but Gibson and Madison County have new County Mayors. Madison County had several new Servants to win County Offices. I can only speculate if the results would have been different if 90% of all voters took time to cast their ballot.

In Tennessee, Early Voting starts Twenty (20) days before an election and ends Five (5) days before the Day of Election. In case you are not aware, Early Voting starts October 11 th and ends November 3 rd . Election Day is November 8 th , a Tuesday and usually at one’s designated Polling Location. An important issue for Tennessee Voters is Five Tennessee Constitutional Amendments are being modified if we vote YES. Proof we all need to Vote.

Please take 15 to 30 minutes and vote. A State or Federal Photo ID is required. I am not sure, but I believe TN Driver License Centers will issue a TN state ID free if it is needed for voting, but I may be wrong. Getting a TN State Photo ID is good to have anyway. Got to show an ID to get services at Social Security Office or to buy Adult Beverages.

These are my thoughts on Voting. I hope to see you at the Polls.

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