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Capital News Update

March 13 - 17, 2023

The pace is continuing to build at the General Assembly. Most committees and subcommittees have announced their final calendars, meaning legislators had to have their bills on notice by this week in those committees or they will not be heard this year. This resulted in a huge surge of bills being added to calendars. Next week will be very busy as committees try to work through this backlog. Some of the more contested bills were scheduled to be heard this week, but most of them were deferred as both proponents and opponents worked to garner votes.   


After a successful week in two committees, the Governor’s Transportation Modernization Act of 2023 (HB321/SB273)  now moves to the Senate Floor Monday, March 20, for its biggest test yet. The Senate Finance Committee recommended the bill for passage this week on a 10-1 vote, while the House Finance Subcommittee approved it on a unanimous voice vote. The full House Finance Committee will hear the bill on Tuesday. Both committees this week adopted identical amendments..

Read This Week's Full Capitol Update from TCSA

Upcoming: A Defining Week for the ‘Transportation Modernization Act’ of 2023

After a successful week in two committees, the Transportation Modernization Act (SB273/HB321, Massey, Howell) now moves to the Senate Floor Monday, March 20, for its biggest test yet.

The Senate Finance Committee recommended the bill for passage this week on a 10-1 vote, while House Finance Subcommittee approved it on a unanimous voice vote. Both committees adopted identical amendments that added a prohibition on supplanting local funding with the $300 million in State Aid Road grants and altered the schedule for adopting registration fees on electric and hybrid vehicles, including plug-in hybrids.

Read the Full Breakdown from TCHOA Director Brett Howell

TCSA's 2023 Legislative Conference Registration Now Open 

Registration for TCSA’s 2023 Legislative Conference is now available! Interested guests can register online through the link below.

Due to an extraordinary response, the hotel room block at the Park Vista hotel is fully booked; however, TCSA is working to secure an overflow hotel nearby. We will announce when those nearby hotel room blocks have been secured. Thank you for your patience, and we look forward to seeing you in May!

Register for the Legislative Conference Today!

TDFA: February 2023 Revenue Reports Now Available

NASHVILLE – Tennessee Department of Finance and Administration Commissioner Jim Bryson today announced that February tax revenues exceeded budgeted estimates. February revenues totaled $1.3 billion, which is $88.3 million more than the state received in February 2022 and $128.4 million more than the budgeted estimate. The growth rate for February was 7.11 percent. 

“February’s positive revenue gains are primarily due to strong sales tax growth,” Bryson said. “Sales tax revenues, reflecting consumer spending from January, recorded the largest monthly growth to date in the current fiscal year. Conversely, corporate tax receipts and privilege tax revenues were strikingly lower compared to last February, while all other revenues combined grew 5.4 percent. 

“As we proceed through the remainder of the fiscal year, we will continue to cautiously monitor...

Read the Full Report from TDFA Here

Upcoming Events

NACo webinar: Longterm Strategies for Strengthening the Childcare Workforce
March 21, 2023: 1:00 P.M. CDT / 2:00 P.M. EDT

CTAS County Officials' Trainings Available Here

TCSA Post-Legislative Conference
May 23 - 25, 2023; Sevier County, TN

HUD Restores “Discriminatory Effects” Rule

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Visits BlueOval SK Battery Park

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Visits BlueOval SK Battery Park