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New TDEC Competitive Grant Applications Now Live

New TDEC Competitive Grant Applications Now Live

TDEC is excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for the ARP competitive grant program! 


The competitive grant program involves the allocation of $200 million towards three project types: regionalization ($100 million), water reuse ($50 million), and resource protection ($50 million). The application solicitation period for these three grants opens today, May 9th, and will close on August 8th, 2023.

  • Regionalization refers to projects that connect infrastructure to improve services and optimize capacity. The regionalization grant manual with additional details can be found at this link.

  • Water reuse involves projects that capture water that would otherwise be discarded, treat it, and reuse it for beneficial purposes. The water reuse grant manual with additional details can be found at this link.

  • Resource protection refers to projects that improve water infrastructure resilience to extreme weather, improve stormwater management or water quality, and/or restore natural landscapes. The resource protection grant manual with additional details can be found at this link.
    Competitive Grant Applications

Competitive grant applications shall be submitted through TDEC’s Grants Management System (GMS). Each competitive grant has its own application. Applicants should create an account through GMS and search for the following applications for each program: 

  • DWR-ARP Regionalization Grants State Water Infrastructure Grants (SWIG) 

  • DWR-ARP Water Reuse Grants State Water Infrastructure Grants (SWIG) 

  • DWR-ARP Resource Protection Grants State Water Infrastructure Grants (SWIG) 

Competitive Grant Workshops
TDEC will be hosting a competitive grant workshop series during the weeks of June 6th and June 12th. These 2-hour sessions will provide details regarding the program and application to support interested applicants. Please see the Engagement Opportunities page on the TDEC ARP website for additional details regarding the webinars.

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