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S.W.A.G. event will raise awareness about human trafficking

S.W.A.G. event will raise awareness about human trafficking

S.W.A.G. event will raise awareness about human trafficking

‘It can happen anywhere,’ even in Jackson

JACKSON, TN — In partnership with the City of Jackson, Sisters With Aspiring Goals (S.W.A.G.), is hosting a Human Trafficking Awareness event this Thursday at the Westwood Community Center.

Meant for teenage girls and boys and their parents, the 5 p.m. event will raise awareness about the risk factors, signs and dangers of human trafficking, which can happen to anyone, anywhere

— even in Jackson-Madison County, S.W.A.G. director Ella Watkins said.

“Human trafficking isn’t isolated in metropolitan areas,” she said. “It can happen anywhere.”

During the event, attendants will also complete the Red Sand Project. For the project, participants use red sand to line the cracks in a sidewalk or on a street — symbolic of the millions of people who have fallen through the cracks and are being trafficked.

“This will keep our West Tennessee communities informed,” Watkins said.

Founded in 2015, Sisters With Aspiring Goals is a 501c(3) Nonprofit Organization that teaches and develops girls’ personal responsibility, work ethic, and life skills through mentoring, community service projects, and activities. S.W.A.G. partners with other nonprofit organizations, social service groups, the City of Jackson, and community leaders to equip girls with the resources and tools to reach their goals beyond their circumstances. Also through partnerships, S.W.A.G. raises awareness about important issues affecting the community.

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