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Love Your Block

Love Your Block – Jackson, TN seeks

Housing Repair Needs survey participation

JACKSON, Tenn. – Love Your Block – Jackson, TN is seeking the participation in a Housing Repair Needs


"Over the past few years, Love Your Block has assisted in multiple exterior home repairs throughout our

city," said Abby Palmer, City of Jackson, TN Neighborhood Services Director. "This survey will assist us in

shaping effective home repair assistance programs."

Feedback from the survey will help the program identify the most needed repairs and barriers residents

face in addressing them.

The survey can be accessed by visiting https://loveyourblock.jacksontn.gov and selecting the “Housing

Repair Needs Survey” button.

About Love Your Block – Jackson, TN

The Cities of Service Love Your Block program brings city leaders and residents together to build

stronger neighborhoods, one block at a time. Typically, cities implementing Love Your Block invite

community groups to identify priority projects and award mini-grants to support neighborhood-driven

solutions that the community can implement. From turning vacant lots into community gardens to

helping elderly neighbors with home repairs to avoid fines and safely age in place, resident volunteers

are “loving their blocks'' and making them, and their cities, better places to live.

The benefits of Love Your Block go well beyond physical improvements. A 2021 Urban Institute study

found that social networks sparked by deep resident-to-city-hall engagement can instigate

neighborhood-level improvements in addition to larger, sustainable improvements to municipal

practices and policies. Love Your Block activates and builds social networks between residents, their

neighbors, and city hall. This resident-to-city hall engagement can lead to collective efficacy that is often

bidirectional: city officials can leverage neighborhood social capital in service of mayoral goals and

residents can leverage greater responsiveness from officials to address their needs and priorities. In

other words, Love Your Block is a starting point for cities to more meaningfully engage their residents

and improve communities in holistic and sustainable ways.

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