The Jackson Housing Authority is soliciting bids for their properties
1. Grounds Care Services
2. Tree Trimming Services
Regulatory Requirements: federal, State and local requirements, such
as but not limited to: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 24 CFR
570.602, the David-Bacon & Related Acts, Fair Labor Standards Act,
Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, Fair
Housing Act and Equal Opportunity, executive Order 11246- Equal
Employment and Affirmative Action and the Anti-Kickback Act., and
HUD forms 5370, 5369A, 2530 shall govern submittal, opening and award
of bids.
Scope of Work:
Grounds Care for properties owned or managed by the Jackson Housing
Authority, Jackson, TN., further described in the bid package.
Bidder’s Requirements:
At time of contract award the contractor shall have all the required
insurance listed in the contract documents. Licensing for application
of chemical herbicides from the State of Tennessee is required along
with worker’s compensation, business liability and auto.
Owner’s Representative: Mr. Bob Tulley, 731-422-1671, ext. 110,
Bid packages MUST be obtained from the owner’s representative.
Owner will receive sealed unit price bids until the bid time and date
at the location given below.
Bid date: March 6, 2019 10:00 a.m. turn in bid
Bid Opening: 10:30 a.m., local time.
Location: Jackson Housing Authority, 125 Preston Street,
Jackson, Tennessee 38301
Bids will be thereafter publicly opened and read aloud.
BID SECURITY: No bids may be withdrawn for a period of 60 days after
bid opening.
There will be a pre-bid meeting for this contract on Thursday, February
21, 2019 at 9:00 am at the offices of Jackson Housing Authority, 125
Preston Street, Jackson, Tennessee. A site visit will follow.
Anyone requiring special accommodations to view or bid the documents
is requested to provide such requirements in writing to or phone 731-422-1671, TDD 731-424-4587.
Cualquier persona que requieren alojamientos especiales para ver
los documentos o dar unapropuesta es se solicita a presentarles por
escrito a or phone 731-422-1671, TDD 731-
The Authority reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to waive
any informalities in the bidding.
Published in The CrimeSEEN Examiner News : February 7 and 14, 2019