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JACKSON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report July 1, 2018 ~ June 30, 2019

Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report
July 1, 2018 ~ June 30, 2019
On June 30, 2019, the City of Jackson completed its fourth year of its five-year Consolidated Plan, 2015-2019. Programs and activities have been established and implemented to address the objectives for housing, homelessness, special needs and non-housing need of the Jackson community. During the fiscal year, 2018-2019, the City of Jackson expended approximately $755,663 in Community Development Block Grant and HOME Grant funds for these objectives.
The Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER), has been prepared to describe the activities funded by these programs including, Assessment of Five-Year Goals and Objectives, Affirmatively
Furthering Fair Housing, Affordable Housing Continuum of Care Narrative, Leveraging Resources, Self Evaluation and Other Actions.
Also, the Summary of Consolidated Plan Project, Summary of Accomplishments and Activity Summary for Grantee reports from the Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) will be included.
As part of the CAPER, citizen comments will be provided in the final version of the CAPER report, which are to be submitted to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. On August 5, 2019, copies of the CAPER will be available to the public for review during normal office hours at the following locations:

• Jackson Housing Authority-CD Office, 125 Preston Street
• Mayor’s Office, City Hall
• Madison County/Jackson Library, Downtown

A public hearing is scheduled for public review and comment on Monday, August 19, 2019: 4:00 p.m. at the Jackson Housing Authority, Media Room, 125 Preston Street. Any citizen who desires to review and/or
comment on the CAPER is encouraged to do so. Written public comments are encouraged and will be accepted up to August 20, 2019 for the CAPER; All comments should be written, clear and concise and received by the CD Office no later than 4:30 p.m. on either of the above dates
as required.
Accessibility: All hearings advertised are in accessible locations. To help ensure equal access to government programs, services and activities, the meeting host jurisdiction will reasonably modify policies/procedures and provide auxiliary aids/services to persons with disabilities. Call 3-5 business days in advance to request
special assistance for ADA accessibility: 731-422-1671 ext. 116, TTY 731-424-4587Language Services: To help ensure equal access to government programs, services and activities, the meeting host jurisdiction will reasonably provide translation services with at least 48 hours advance notice. Call 3-5 business days in advance to request translation services: 731-422-1671 ext. 116, TTY 731-424-4587

Accesibilidad: Todas las audiencias anunciadas se encuentran en lugares accesibles. Para ayudar a garantizar la igualdad de acceso a programas de gobierno, servicios y actividades, la reunión anfitrión
jurisdicción será razonablemente modificar las políticas y procedimientos y proporcionar ayudas auxiliares y servicios a las personas con discapacidades. Llame al 3-5 días laborales de anticipación para solicitar asistencia especial a la accesibilidad de la ADA: 731-422-1671 ext 116, TTY 731-424-4587 Servicios lingüísticos: Para ayudar a garantizar la igualdad de acceso a programas de gobierno, servicios y actividades, la reunión
jurisdicción anfitrión razonablemente proporcionará servicios de traducción con al menos 48 horas de antelación. Llame al 3-5 días laborales de anticipación para solicitar servicios de traducción: 731-422-1671 ext 116, TTY 731-424-4587

Equal Housing Opportunity
Published: August 1, 2019


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