In accordance with T.C.A. 67-5-2507, et seq., notice is hereby given that the following person (“Offeror”) has offered to purchase from the City of Jackson, Tennessee the following unimproved property:
Name of Offeror Address Cash Amount
Saletta Holloway Map 78K, Group A, Parcel 001.01 $5,000
Saletta Holloway Map 78K, Group A, Parcel 001.00 $4,500
Terry Perry Map 078G, Group A, Parcel 008.00 $5,000
Notice is hereby given that if no other party submits an offer to the City Recorder of Jackson, Tennessee,
within 10 days of the date of this notice, equaling 10% or more in excess of Offeror’s offer, said property
will be sold to Offeror under the terms, conditions and prices specified above. If such an offer is made,
the City Recorder will notify Offeror of such and a day will be fixed when all parties shall appear and make
Bobby Arnold, City Recorder