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Freed-Hardeman Announces Finalists for Mr. and Miss FHU

Freed-Hardeman Announces Finalists for Mr. and Miss FHU

Freed-Hardeman Announces Finalists for Mr. and Miss FHU


Henderson, Tennessee — (March 31, 2022) — Freed-Hardeman University will honor Mr. and Miss FHU Thursday, April 14, 2022, at 10:30 a.m. during the regularly scheduled chapel service held in Loyd Auditorium. Eight senior students, nominated by the faculty and staff and selected by popular vote of their peers, have been chosen as finalists for the honor.

Vying for the title of Miss FHU are Anniston Butler, Suzanna Grady, CeCe Spencer and Kaylee Wadlington. Contenders for Mr. FHU are Noah Davis, Brooks Jackson, Cameron Miller and John Allen Thomas. Winners will be announced at the special chapel program.

Butler is a business major from Lawrenceburg, Tennessee. She is pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration in marketing and a Master of Business Administration as a part of FHU’s dual degree program. She is a team leader in the Campus Delegate Team, a member of the Society of Future Marketers and an officer in Xi Chi Delta Social Club.

Grady is a biochemistry major from Murray, Kentucky. She is currently the coordinator of Makin’ Music 45, Interface leader, member of the Honors Program and president of Sigma Rho Social Club. She is the second woman in club history to have been elected to this office.

Spencer, from Martin, Tennessee, is a family science major. She is a member of Alpha Chi National College Honor Society and an officer in Phi Kappa Alpha Social Club.

Wadlington is a special education and elementary education major from Cadiz, Kentucky. She is vice president of the Student Government Association and a member of the Campus Delegate Team, University Chorale, Alpha Chi National College Honor Society and Chi Beta Chi Social Club.

From Leander, Texas, Davis is pursuing a degree in biblical studies/youth and family ministry. He is a member of the Campus Delegate Team and Alpha Chi National College Honor Society and an officer in Xi Chi Delta Social Club.

Jackson, from Florence, Alabama, is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in biblical studies. He is a two-time host of Makin’ Music and a member of Xi Chi Delta Social Club.

Miller, from Winchester, Virginia, is serving his second term as Student Government Association president. A member of Xi Chi Delta Social Club, he is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in biblical studies and a Bachelor of Arts in communication.

Thomas, from Columbia, Tennessee, has held various offices in Phi Kappa Alpha Social Club and represented his class in the Homecoming royalty. He is majoring in biblical studies/youth ministry.

“This time-honored tradition, dating back to 1940, allows the campus community to celebrate our students and those who best represent the ideals inherent in our mission,” Chris 

Ramey, director of alumni engagement, said.

The mission of Freed-Hardeman University is to help students develop their God-given talents for His glory by empowering them with an education that integrates Christian faith, scholarship and service. With locations in Henderson, Memphis and Dickson, FHU offers associate, bachelor’s, master’s, specialist and doctoral degrees. More information is available at fhu.edu.

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