Donations for Baby Provided to Fayette Cares Homeless Shelter
Faithful Fayette Cares volunteer Maxine Sisk continues to answer the cry for help year round at Fayette Cares. After learning that Fayette Cares needed baby clothes and supplies for a homeless mother who was expecting, Maxine Sisk, Treasurer of AT&T Pioneers Life Member Club Memphis, sought donations. She joyfully delivered approximately 1,200 items of children and adult clothing, which had been donated by Rhea Lana Children's Clothing Consignment, Maxine, her husband Lawrence, and their daughter Erika Gentry.
The items allowed Fayette Cares staff and volunteers to give the expecting mother a baby shower. “She had absolutely nothing and the baby is due any day,” said Fayette Cares domestic violence victim advocate Mara White. Fayette Cares has received donations of essential items including a baby bed, bottles, diapers, clothing, and toys to help this desperate family.
Contributions are always needed to help families in crisis. Fayette Cares uses contributed clothing, housewares, furniture and appliances to provide aid when families enter the homeless shelter, experience a disaster, or have a financial crisis that prevents them from purchasing needed items. Donations are also sold at the charity thrift shop to provide funding for services including shelter, food, domestic violence intervention programs, and rent/utility aid.
Maxine also knows that financial contributions are essential to assure Fayette Cares can cover operating costs. She participates in a matching gift program through her former employer ATT. By volunteering for Fayette Cares she earns a monetary contribution form ATT and earmarks it for Fayette Cares.
To learn more about supporting the work of Fayette Cares visit or call (901) 465-3802. Fayette Cares is a United Way member agency.