Black History Month Expo
Area Relief Ministries’ HUB Club invites the community to their first
Black History expo. The expo will feature and honor local African
American professionals from different backgrounds.
For the past few years, the Area Relief Ministries’ H.U.B. Club (Helping Us Build), a
community development intiative of ARM, has hosted a Black History month program
featuring the students of their after school program. This event is always held the last
Thursday in February and is attended by many families in the community. This year’s
event will expose students to many people making a difference and history in their town.
The HUB Club is operated as an after school program throughout the school year,
providing a safe place for students to attend after school. Through its partnership with
local colleges, the HUB is able to provide mentors for students, who work with them on
homework, other academic assignments, life skills and devotionals.
Instead of students learning lines and dressing the part this year, they will get to meet
some inspiring and hard working professionals who all work in and or are from the West
Tennessee area.
Attendees to this event will hear from the main speaker Dr. Janice Epperson and will then
go through out the building to hear from other professionals who will discuss what their
jobs consist of, what it took to get them to where they are now and what motivated them.
This event will take place this year on Thursday, February 23 rd at 4:00 P.M. and will end
at 5:30 P.M. This event will take place at the HUB, located at 201 Ash Street. Jackson,
TN. 38301. This event is open to the public.