West Tennessee Historical Society presents program about
Yankee Journalist Visits Shiloh, Dec. 1865
The West Tennessee Historical Society will present a program March 4 at 11a.m. at
the Hardin County Public Library in Savannah titled “Yankee Journalist Visits Shiloh,
December, 1865.
Open to the public, the speaker is Laquita Thomson, a professor of art history at
Freed-Hardeman University in Henderson, TN, who has done extensive primary research and
has published articles and book chapters in the field.
The story is about John Townsend Trowbridge who traveled south at the end of the
Civil War to talk to citizens and write about how they were surviving after the war. He
entered Hardin County from Mississippi. The primary family he is with during the time in
Hardin County is the Thomas Kerr family.
The program will be open for questions from the audience.
The WTHS is the umbrella heritage organization for the Western Grand Division of
Tennessee. It supports historical programs, archives, publications, preservation, markers,
museums and other historical collections.
Linda J. Higgins, who is the West Tennessee Vice President of WTHS, is in charge of
the program.