#WestTNOutdoors by Sam Ray - Public Land Harvest
This is a very special issue for me because it marks the one year anniversary of writing the West Tennessee Outdoors section. Some time ago I asked owner Bill Marble how he liked the Outdoor section and he candidly replied " I haven't pulled it have I". I took that to mean that he liked it and I must say I like contributing to the paper and also do appreciate the many readers who look forward to each weekly issue. Many articles have been written covering a large variety of subjects in the past year. However, this article focuses on often overlooked opportunities that hunters miss out on by not taking advantage of public land available to them. We often hear hunters say they don't have anywhere to hunt but my friend Mark Moore proved this to be a big mistake with a massive 14 point buck that scored 171 11/8 Boone and Crockett points. Oh, and by the way, did I mention that he harvested it on public hunting ground right here in the Great Outdoors of West Tennessee. So before you give up on finding a place to hunt try researching public land that might be closer than you may think and don't forget to take a kid along with you like Mark did with his son. Photo is Mark Moore and a 14 point buck harvested on public hunting land.