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Tips to Stay Germ Free While Flying

From long security lines to lost baggage to weather delays, there are plenty of things out of your control when you take to the friendly skies. One thing you can take charge of is being prepared to fight germs you’ll encounter. The health experts at Envolve, an integrated healthcare solutions company, are pleased to share five ways to help you arrive healthy and happy at your destination.


1.    Wipe Wisely. You never know what kind of germy situation you’ll encounter when traveling on airplanes. Each day thousands of people, some undoubtedly sick, fly. Some germ hotspots to be aware of are arm rests, tray tables and seatbelts. Bring a travel-sized pack of disinfecting wipes with you and clean areas of concern. This small cleaning feat can help ward off sickness and give you the peace of mind to enjoy your flight.


2.    Select Seats. Choosing a window seat on your next flight may help limit your exposure to other passengers and their germs. Studies have found that sitting in an aisle seat puts you at greater risk of catching an illness because of the increased contact with other people walking to and from the restrooms.


3.    Slumber Soundly. You never know if you’ll be stuck sitting next to someone who is ill. Even if the symptoms are hidden, germs from a cold or the flu can still infect you. Getting enough sleep helps your body to be rested and better prepares your immune system to help protect you from airborne germs. Strive to get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep before your next flight – and every night.


4.    Sip Smartly. Drink plenty of water before, during and after flying. Dehydration makes you more susceptible to catching airborne germs and can lead to illnesses, headaches and muscle cramps. Stay hydrated throughout your flight to prevent your nose passages and throat from drying up. Bring your own water bottle and fill up at the nearest water fountain after clearing security. You’ll save money and time -- and have plenty of water at hand during your flight.


5.    Disinfect Digits. Washing your hands with soap and warm water is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs. Try to wash when you can when you’re traveling, but if you can’t, make sure you have a travel-size hand sanitizer with you. It’s convenient, easy-to-use and small so you can carry it with you.


About Envolve, Inc.®

Envolve, Inc.® is a family of health solutions, working together to make healthcare simpler, more effective and more accessible for everyone. As an agent for change in healthcare, Envolve is committed to transforming the health of the community, one person at a time. Envolve unifies medical managementutilization managementspecialty pharmacyPBMvisiondentalbehavioral health managementlife and health/wellness managementempowerment and education servicestelehealth services24/7 nurse advice services, and data, analytics and IT solutions. For more information, please visit our website www.envolvehealth.com or contact us today at info@envolvehealth.com.

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