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Tips to Achieve a Healthier You

It’s the time of year where many health goals are set – and unfortunately not followed through. Research shows that without proper support and resources, achieving our aspirations can be near impossible. The health experts at Envolve, an integrated healthcare solutions company, have put together five tips to make it easier to accomplish the healthy outcomes you’ve set your sights on. 


1.    Seek Support. Finding others who share common goals can be a tremendous asset in your journey to become healthier. Surrounding yourself with others who are on the path to bettering themselves will help inspire and motivate you to work harder. Also, being part of a group makes you feel more accountable, which increases your chance for success.


2.    Help Others. Many people see the New Year as a chance to focus and better themselves, but why not look for ways to help others? Volunteering at a local animal shelter, visiting a nursing home or donating clothes to a family in need provide health benefits including a decreased risk of depression, reduced stress levels and may help you live longer. Challenge yourself to help someone else at least once a month. 


3.    Get Satisfaction. Pay attention to the nutritional value of the foods you choose to eat, as well as your sense of satisfaction as you’re eating. Be mindful and aware of your hunger and fullness when contemplating when and how much to eat. Recognizing what you’re putting into your body before taking a bite will help you make healthier choices.


4.    Add Positives. Try subbing in a healthy element to your routine versus removing an unwanted behavior. Instead of eliminating desserts completely from your diet, try adding a healthy positive. For instance, let yourself have a bite of the sweet, but if your craving doesn’t go away with that, have a piece of fruit instead of consuming a large piece of cake. You’ll still get the sweetness you desire, but not the unhealthiness. Haven’t been drinking enough H2O lately? Start drinking a 12 oz. glass of water before and after every meal. You’ll feel fuller longer and possibly reap health benefits like improved brain function, better skin, and lessening kidney issues.  


5.    Sign Up. Doing the same thing over and over can be boring. Switch things up and sign up for an event or competition like a 5K walk or run. Having an end goal and mixing up your routine will give you a fresh perspective. Plus most group events or races benefit non-profit organizations so you’ll be contributing to a good cause and feel even better about yourself!


About Envolve, Inc.®

Envolve, Inc.® is a family of health solutions, working together to make healthcare simpler, more effective and more accessible for everyone. As an agent for change in healthcare, Envolve is committed to transforming the health of the community, one person at a time. Envolve unifies specialty pharmacyPBMvisiondental24/7 nurse advice servicesdiabetes managementMSO solutions, and more. For more information, please visit our website www.envolvehealth.com or contact us at mediainquiries@envolvehealth.com.

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