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Community Opinion: What is working for us?

An Equitable Strategy, Framework and Process for All : How can we think differently and equitably about what is working and what is not to create a framework and process to help our community to be better, to heal and produce actionable change toward more equitable and fair living together? How can we, as a community, gain understanding of the main factors and conditions that are supporting hierarchies and systems that interfere with and block progress for those who do not historically have equal access and success. How can we enlist the participation and support of all of our city toward becoming a better and humane place to live in and thrive? Education: What is working well within access to equitable education opportunities and what could be improved? Across elementary education institutions? Across secondary education institutions? Across higher education institutions? How can we offer educational experiences to provide more knowledge and resources for improving access, opportunities, and success across communities of color? Community: What is working well within our community and civic agencies and services to needy families and what could be improved? Why, what, and how to provide equitable health access, community services, and build better relationships? Legal: What is working well within our legal services, agencies, law firms, and support for needy families and what could be improved? Consider challenges to Safety, justice, enforcement . Housing: What is working well within housing opportunities, neighborhoods, and what could be improved? Employment/Economics: What is working well within employment, labor, structured inequality and opportunity and what could be improved? How can we work with economic challenges in our poorer communities to enable more access toward productive employment outcomes for all? Media/Communication: What is working well within media, journalism, news outlets, and communication strategies and what can be improved? What is benefitting some and disadvantaging others? The Arts: What is working well within the arts and what could be improved? Environment: What is working well with our monuments, parks, community gardens, and related structures and what could be improved to enable shared relationship building and socialization across diverse groups within our communities? Families/People: How can we provide equal access to all opportunities across diverse families and their respective different needs in fair, nonjudgmental ways? Religious Institutions: How can our institutions participate across differences more equitably for all? Sincerely, Patricia Hunt

It’s a Crime to Be Unhealthy!

Mid-West Tennessee Genealogical Society will meet Tuesday, June 8