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Message from MOM

Message from MOM

Each morning I’ve been waking up to find that my nightmare is my reality. I’ve gone to bed each night in tears. Often, I’ve been awake most of the night struggling to be at peace. But something changed. Monday night started the same but while I was praying and crying, I could hear internally my son’s voice.

He said, “Mom when you cry, I cry also. When you feel sad, it makes me feel sad. And when you smile, I smile too. When you’re happy, it makes me happy. I just want you to be happy and I’ll be happy too.”

That was my turning point. I know that I’ll still have tears but he reenergize me. I felt at perfect peace. If you knew Tyler, you’d know that he was a calm force. He brought a spirt of peace around people.

God reminded me that Tyler was a gift of peace that He gave me. Before Tyler was born, I had two miscarriages from my first marriage. One of my babies that I lost was a boy named Martin Christopher Blue. I delivered him myself just four months into my pregnancy on a Christmas Day and had to have an emergency procedure afterwards. I was devastated. Then, I got remarried and we wanted to get pregnant right away. Once we found out I was pregnant, I was joyful but scared. I remember getting to my fifth month into the pregnancy with some encouragement. By the time the seventh month came along, I purchased everything. I was pregnant with a little boy and named him Tyler Christopher Guy. He was and is the most special child to me. I simply adored that little boy. God gave Tyler to me and although it hurts that he is no longer where I can physically see him, Tyler was given to this world to bring forth peace.

So, I went to sleep Monday night at peace. We all face circumstances that maybe devastating and knock us down. With prayer, you can rise up and dance through your greatest storm. May God gift you with peace and may you always dance in the rain.

Sabrina Blue

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Welcome Sheneka Balogun, EdD to the Epicenter team!

Welcome Sheneka Balogun, EdD to the Epicenter team!