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RIFA’s Call for Canstruction Team

RIFA’s Call for Canstruction Teams

JACKSON, TN, June 23, 2022 - RIFA’S annual Canstruction event is back. The event, which will take place on September 29, 2022, is used to raise canned goods and funds for RIFA’s food bank and warehouse.

The competition, whose ultimate goal is to feed the hungry, is a team activity. Each team, composed of local businesses, churches, industries, and schools, will design and create a large sculpture using canned food. The competition will then be judged, and teams have the opportunity to win one of nine prizes including Best of Show, Structural Ingenuity, Best Use of Labels, and more at RIFA’s awards ceremony and night of entertainment. 

Last year alone, the event raised over 26,500 pounds of canned food for RIFA. The event garners a team's creativity as well as fellowship and gives people the opportunity to give back to their community. “Seeing people come together for a common purpose that helps so many is what the spirit of the competition is truly about,” says Shaun Powers, RIFA’s Assistant Director. To apply as a team for Canstruction, email Shaun Powers at spowers@rifajackson.org. Applications are due August 19, 2022. 

The Regional Inter-Faith Association (RIFA) was created in 1976 by local churches and community leaders to provide relief for those in need. RIFA’s vision is to lead and engage the community in the fight against hunger with the love of Christ by providing physical and spiritual nourishment. For more information about RIFA, please visit https://www.rifajackson.org

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