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Opioid Abatement Council Webinar Update for County Leaders Now Available

Opioid Abatement Council Webinar Update for County Leaders Now Available

TCSA and the TN Opioid Abatement Council (OAC) recently sat down with nearly 100 county leaders across the state to discuss vital opioid abatement fund distribution plans for 2023 and years to come. County mayors, commissioners, attorneys, and finance staff are encouraged to view the webinar to see how their county will be affected by these funds. 

The OAC met multiple times last year to organize, hire a director, and begin laying out processes for the distribution and accountability of the funds it will oversee. This webinar provides great insight into the OAC's plan to work with counties and address the growing opioid problems in communities across Tennessee. For more information, please visit the TCSA website or the TNOAC website

View the Full Opioid Abatement Webinar Here

December 2022 Revenue Reports Now Available from TN Comptroller’s Office

December sales tax revenues (which reflect November retail activity) once again exceeded projections, but growth was less robust than prior months. Sales tax revenues were $118.8 million more than the estimate for the month. The December growth rate was 5.64%, which exceeded estimates, but showed a significant decline from the year-to-date growth rate of 9.53%.

“December total tax collections represent the lowest monthly revenue growth for the current fiscal year to date,” Finance and Administration Commissioner Bryson said. “Sales tax receipts…moderated significantly and correspond to the slowest rate of gain since September 2020 when it was 1.56%. While concerning, November’s modest sales tax growth was anticipated because of accelerated sales activity during this same time last year when supply chain disruptions altered purchasing behavior,” he added.

Of interest to highway offices, fuel tax revenues increased by 0.93% compared to last December and were $2 million more than the budgeted estimate of $104.5 million. For the first five months of the year, fuel tax revenues are $3.3 million less than estimates. Year-to-date, the state’s revenues for the first five months of the year are $959.9 million more than the budgeted estimate.

For the full report on all December state revenues, click the link below. 

View the December 2022 Revenue Reports Here

“Not a Day Off, but a Day On”

“Not a Day Off, but a Day On”

HUD Announces $5.5 Million in Funding Opportunity for Hispanic Serving Institutions