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Happy News Year from Rambsy Law

Hi Friends,

Can you believe that we are at the end of the year? Honestly, for the past few years, it seems that all notions of time have disappeared.  But here we are at the end of 2022.  The end of the year is often a time to think about completing goals. This year is no different.  Numerous messages have been encouraging us to “finish strong.”  Many people are scrambling to put the finishing touches on projects and set the foundation for success in 2023. 

When we tackle a goal or task, we want to complete it with excellence.  However, as we close out this year, and focus on heading into a new year, the most important thing we can do may be to “simply finish.”

As we look toward the end of the year, of course, it would be wonderful to finish strong.  But it may be enough to gather all the resources, courage, and inspiration so that we can simply FINISH.  If we can just finish this year, we still have a chance to add strength in the upcoming year.

These last few years have taken so much out of all of us. We stumbled through a devastating pandemic.  We lost people we love.  Dreams and goals were put on hold.  Our lives have been turned upside down.  For many, life will never return to what we once knew or imagined.  These days, we should all be granted some grace if we do not actually feel “strong.”  In fact, doing so often forces us to attempt to complete extraordinary feats when we may need to seek assistance, take it slower, or even totally step back.  The pressure to be strong can, at times, have devastating consequences.

As we enter the end of 2022 and enter 2023, we may be better served to just get through these next few days—by focusing on rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation.  In order to meet our goals for the next year, we must make it to the next year.  We could jeopardize the accomplishments that are to come in the future if we put too much pressure on ourselves to “finish strong.” 

Undoubtedly, there are goals that we want to complete.  There are dreams that we want to manifest.  But as the authors of our goals and dreams, we must be present and be well to make those goals and dreams a reality.

There is no timetable on being whole (or on success).  We do not necessarily need to finish strong by December 31, 2022.  Nor do we need to rush to get all things done at the beginning of the year.  In fact, we may not even start the year off “strong.”  We all operate on different timetables.  We will reach goals at different times.  And while we may often possess strength, we do not always have to be strong.

Happy New Year,

Phillis and the Rambsy Law Team
May peace be unto you as we enter into the new year.

May you have the courage to dream and the inspiration to manifest those dreams.

May you realize that sometimes you may not finish strong, but if you simply finish, you live to see another day.

What God Wants You to Know   

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