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DRA Announces $3.5 Million Investment into West Tennessee Communities

DRA Announces $3.5 Million Investment into West Tennessee Communities

DRA Announces $3.5 Million Investment into West Tennessee Communities

DRA has announced a $3,539,000 investment that will boost economic development and improve the quality of life for current and future businesses and residents surrounding the BlueOval City automotive complex near Stanton, Tennessee. Funding from this project is provided by the Community Infrastructure Fund (CIF). For more information on this investment project and CIF: Delta Regional Authority Announces $3.5 Million Investment into West Tennessee Communities.

Biden-Harris Administration Awards Over $2 Million in Funding to Local Development Districts for Capacity-Building

Biden-Harris Administration Awards Over $2 Million in Funding to Local Development Districts for Capacity-Building

Biden-Harris Administration Awards Over $600,000 in Funding to Address Infrastructure Needs

Biden-Harris Administration Awards Over $600,000 in Funding to Address Infrastructure Needs