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By Sam Ray

Each year Memphis Kids In Nature takes the youth from the Boys and Girls Club on the outdoor activity of a lifetime. Most of them were going fishing for the very first time while others thought they were experts. The funny thing about it was that the experts did not catch as many fish as some of the first timers. Some caught large fish and some caught small fish while there were some who caught turtles. It didn't matter much what they caught because they all had a blast. Don Flagg and Dewayne Rivers who work for MKIN assisted the campers by giving them individual fishing lessons along with a comedy show. Lunch was provided by MKIN which included peanut butter and jelly sandwiches followed by watermelon slices and other fruit. Needless to say it tasted  like streak in the Great Outdoors of West Tennessee during 90 degree temps for worn out kids.  Everyone had a ball while bragging about who caught the biggest fish as the day ended.

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