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JHA - INVITATION TO BID PROJECT: Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detection


PROJECT: Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detection

Jackson Housing Authority

Architect's Project Number:

OWNER: Jackson Housing Authority

125 Preston Street

Jackson, TN 38301

Bidders are invited to submit a bid to the Owner located at the above address before 10:00 AM on

Tuesday October 19, 2021 for the following project:

Installation of smoke carbon monoxide detection at various Jackson Housing Authority properties.

Bid Documents for a Stipulated Price/Sum contract may be obtained from the office of the

Architect/Engineer upon receipt of a refundable deposit by check made payable to WOLD | in the amount

of $ 100 for one set.

Documents can only be obtained by Bidders. Others may view the Bid Documents at the office of the

Architect/Engineer, Owner, and the following construction associations:

Dodge Data and Analytics

West Tennessee Plan Room in Jackson, Tennessee

Contact: WOLD | HFR - Sammy West, (731 421-8000).

A Five Percent Bid Security is required. Refer to other Bidding requirements described in Document

002113 - Instructions to Bidders. This project is funded with federal dollars and certain provisions and

regulations apply as described in Document 004396 - Representation and Certifications to Bidders.

Bidders are required to present evidence of proper licensure according to State Contractor's Licensing

Law and HUD requirements.

Bidders are strongly encouraged to attend a Pre-Bid Conference to be held at the Jackson Housing

Authority Administrative offices at 10:00 AM on Tuesday October 5, 2021. Contractors are requested to

visit the site of the work prior to bidding. Contractors are requested to visit the site of the work prior to

bidding even if not attending the pre-bid conference.

Any persons requiring special assistance to read or obtain documents or to attend any meetings, please

contact Ted Otokiti 731 300-4569. TDD 731 424-4587.

Las personas que requieran asistencia especial para leer u obtener documentos o para asistir a las

reuniones, por favor póngase en contacto con Ted Otokiti 731 425-3197. TDD 731-424-4587

Notice of Vehicles - Mann's wrecker Service