WHEREAS, on August 24, 2016, BARHAM INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC, by Deed of Trust of record in Book T2028, at Page 1689, as modified by a Modification of Deed of Trust dated August 15, 2019, of record in Book T2104, at Page 491, in the Register’s Office of Madison County, Tennessee, conveyed the following described property in trust to secure the payment of a Promissory Note in the original principal amount of Forty-Five Thousand Two Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($45,200.00), payable to SIMMONS BANK, SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO FIRST SOUTH BANK (hereinafter “Simmons Bank”); and
WHEREAS, the undersigned was appointed Substitute Trustee by SIMMONS BANK, which appointment will be recorded in the Register’s Office of Madison County, Tennessee prior to the deed evidencing this sale; and
WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of said indebtedness and other provisions of the Deed of Trust have been violated, and SIMMONS BANK, the lawful owner and holder of the said indebtedness, has declared the entire amount due and payable as provided by the Deed of Trust in accordance with the terms thereof, and instructed the undersigned to foreclose.
NOW, THEREFORE, the public is hereby notified that the undersigned Substitute Trustee will sell the hereinafter described real estate at public auction, to the highest and best bidder, for cash in hand paid in certified funds paid at the conclusion of the sale, or upon a credit bid from a bank or other lending entity pre-approved by the Substitute Trustee. The auction shall occur at the north door of the Courthouse at Jackson, Madison County, Tennessee, on Monday, April 17, 2023, at 11:30 o’clock a.m., said property to be sold in bar of the equity of redemption and subject to the lien of all special assessments against it.
Lying, and being situate in the City of Jackson, 5th Civil District of Madison County, Tennessee, bounded and described as follows; to-wit:
Beginning at a stake in the north margin of the Tinker Hill Road at the southeast corner of Lot 2 of the Tinker Hill Subdivision, a plat of which appears of record in Plat Book 2, page 36, in the Register’s Office of Madison County, Tennessee, runs thence North 200 feet to a stake; thence North 89 degrees 30 minutes East 100 feet to a stake in the west line of Lot 4 of said subdivision; runs thence South with the west line of Lot 4, 200 feet to a stake in the north margin of Tinker Hill Road; runs thence South 89 degrees 30 minutes West with the north margin of Tinker Hill Road, 100 feet to the point of beginning. Being the South 200 feet of Lot No. 3 of Tinker Hill Subdivision, platted as aforesaid. (Legal description taken from prior deed.)
Being the same real estate conveyed to Barham Investment Group, LLC, a Tennessee limited liability company by Deed of record in Deed Book 736, at Page 164, in the Register’s Office of Madison County, Tennessee.
Map 55M, Group C, Parcel 011.00
The street address of the above-described property is believed to be 45 Tinkerhill Rd., Jackson, TN 38305, but such address is not part of the legal description of the property sold herein and in the event of any discrepancy, the legal description herein shall control.
This sale is subject to all matters shown on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, or setback lines that may be applicable; any statutory rights of redemption of any governmental agency, state or federal; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. Other interested parties: None.
This property is subject to the easements, restrictions and building setback lines of record in Plat Book 2, at Page 36, in the Register’s Office of Madison County, Tennessee.
Title to said property is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell as Substitute Trustee only and will assign to the purchaser all covenants of warranty contained in said Deed of Trust.
The sale held pursuant to this Notice may be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option at any time. Said sale may be adjourned to another time or may be postponed to another date by public announcement at the appointed time of sale without readvertisement.
This office is a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.
WITNESS my signature, this the 23 rd day of March, 2023.
Substitute Trustee
P. O. Box 320
Milan, TN 38358
(731) 686-1198
INSERTION DATES: March 23, 2023, March 30, 2023, April 6, 2023