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FAMILY WEEKEND – The Skyhawk football team is being led onto the field by (from left) Emmanuel Belgrave, Cornelius Brown IV, Daylan Dotson and Rob Hicks prior to UTM’s 2022 Family Weekend game against Kennesaw State.
CELEBRATING THE RISE CAMPAIGN – UT Martin friends and supporters gathered the evening of Aug. 11 at Discovery Park of America in Union City to celebrate the successful conclusion of the RISE Campaign, the largest fundraising effort in the university’s history that raised $178.2 million. Pictured at the event are (l, r) UT Martin football great Jerry Reese and his wife, Gwen, of Franklin, UT Martin Chancellor Yancy Freeman and UT System President Randy Boyd. Jerry Reese, the event’s main speaker, is pictured speaking to the crowd in DPA’s Dinosaur Hall.
Dr. Yancy Freeman, UT Martin chancellor.
WELCOME WEEKEND – Students are shown moving into their campus residences during last year’s “Move-In Mania” event on the campus of the University of Tennessee at Martin. The university will host its Welcome Weekend on Aug. 17-22, starting with this year’s Move-In Mania on Aug. 17.
UT Martin's Dr. Todd Winters pictured at the UT Martin Agriculture, Geosciences,