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A virtual Health Fair hosted by the Physical and Mental Health Committee of the Jackson (TN)

A virtual Health Fair hosted by the Physical and Mental Health Committee of the Jackson (TN)

Health fair to raise awareness on physical, financial health

Virtual event will feature doctor, physical trainer, insurance agency CEO, financial expert

JACKSON (TN) — A virtual Health Fair hosted by the Physical and Mental Health Committee of the Jackson (TN)

Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will educate attendants on ways to be physically and financially healthy, thus improving their mental health.

Financial insecurity and instability can be stressful and cause health problems, said Chivonne Mays, the committee’s chairwoman, about the decision to align physical and mental health awareness into the April 23 Health Fair on Zoom. “Finances can cause worry, anxiety and other mental health concerns,” she said.

From the importance of ailments affecting one’s physical health, such as heart health and diabetes, to purchasing health and burial insurance to take the financial and emotional burden off of families, the health fair will be a “one-stop-shop for information to alleviate one problem from causing another.”

The following speakers will be allotted 30 minutes to present:

• Dr. Mechelle Taylor-Moragne, who owns Taylor Medical Clinic in Jackson, will have a 10 a.m. presentation on physical health concerns

• Ian Buchanan II, a physical trainer, will discuss physical health and nutrition in his 10:30 a.m. slot

• Andrea Bond-Johnson’s presentation Planning Prevents Problems will be about health and burial insurance during the 11 a.m. segment

• Melanie Jones of P3 Financial in Memphis will talk about the importance of being financially stable at 11:30 a.m.

““It’s our job to educate and that’s what we’re doing. There is a lot of information, pertaining to these topics, that we are either unaware of or afraid of discussing,” Mays said, noting the importance of Bond-Johnson’s session on insurance.

“These speakers, with their expertise, will provide the information to encourage others to be physically healthy and financially stable.”

To register for the virtual event, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYodOupqjsjGtPGKsFVgxz9X1ZC8Mg4bogL

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated is a private, not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs in local communities throughout the world. The organization is a sisterhood of predominantly Black, college-educated women. The Jackson (TN) Alumnae Chapter is one of over 900 collegiate and alumnae chapters.


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