Small Businesses Bounce Back After Pandemic Due to Press Release Distribution Company
SAN FRANCISCO – Small and medium-sized businesses have started to recover their revenues after a year and half of uncertainty and have been able to tell the public they are reopened for customers due to public relations and a press release distribution company.
Faselis Growth, a company that helps entrepreneurs and small businesses send press releases to media, has provided its service to a number of companies telling customers they are back in business. Many companies across the country were forced to close during government-imposed lockdowns, but now, many states have lifted those restrictions, but customers still didn't know whether companies were opened. They have turned to Faselis Growth to send press releases alerting their customers, which has helped to bring them back to the companies and build their revenues again.
The press distribution company provides an online platform where small businesses and entrepreneurs can write and send their releases for affordable rates. The company also provides analytics to the businesses so they know exactly who have opened their press release and who is interested. Faselis Growth's platform allows the user to restrict press release distribution to those editors most interested in the topic.
“We are seeing a growth in press releases since COVID-19 hit last year,” said Aydin Sun, CEO of the company. “Companies are using our platform for public relations and media alerts. We are encouraged that companies are rebuilding.”
Faselis Growth offers templates for first-time users or they could write their own and send through their system. They also provide help if entrepreneurs are unsure how to start a press release. Companies can send to the United States, but the company also provides distribution in several other areas worldwide. Visit for more information.
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About Faselis Growth: In an era of endless news cycles, countless start-ups and packed social media feeds, it is hard for a start-up to stand out. What tools would a start-up founder or senior team use to alert the world to their great idea? To become the cream of the crop brand in their industry? This is not an easy problem to solve. Most PR distribution software available is either too expensive, outdated or plainly ineffective in producing results. Faselis Growth is a next-generation PR distribution system built for busy start-up founders and teams. It uses a cloud-based interface that is simple to use, costs less than the other guys and is absolutely effective in meeting target journalists right in their inbox.
Contact: Emek Tuzun, (415) 534-8040